Saturday 10 August 2013

Hawthorne effect: Observer effect

What is Hawthorne effect?

The Hawthorne effect is a psychological phenomenon that produces an improvement in human behavior or performance as a result of increased attention from superiors, clients or colleagues. In a collaborative effort, the effect can enhance results by creating a sense of teamwork and common purpose. In social networking, the effect may operate like peer pressure to improve the behavior of participants. 

The original effect was discovered by productivity researchers at the Hawthorne  Works of the Western Electric Company in the 1920's, who found that just about any intervention seemed to improve productivity, from minor changes in lighting to the kind of food provided. The researchers speculated that just being the focus of well-intentioned management efforts to improve their lot helped the workers’ morale (by leading them to trust management’s genuine concern for their welfare) and led to higher productivity. Or to put it another way, given the same set of laborers, the management model that involves paying more attention will do better. 

How can the Hawthorne Effect be used in Modern Business?
The Hawthorne Effect is also popular in modern business. By understanding how and why workers increase production under certain circumstances, managers can get the maximum return on labor costs and improve worker relations.
While the Hawthorne Effect can be a great way to increase production in the short term, it may be difficult to realize long term benefits. Over time, workers get use to the constant supervision. Their work eventually slows until production returns to normal levels. I experienced this first hand in my previous job working for a light manufacturing company. Our department had just gotten a new contract assembling parts for a local truck manufacturing plant. During the early stages of the project, we were constantly observed by management from both our company and the company who supplied the contract. Starting out, we were able to easily build 30-32 unites everyday. However, as weeks went by, we began to struggle to produce 28 units in a day regardless of how hard we tried. Management soon became frustrated and accused us of not working as hard as we did in the beginning. Within a year, nearly half of the workers in the department left the company because of tension between employees and management.
Another aspect of the Hawthorne Effect in modern business is the ability to improve worker morale. Many people take great pride in their work. There is a sense of accomplishment to achieve great milestones during the work day. By utilizing Hawthorne Effect methodology, managers can improve their employees sense of being and importance to the company. The key is for managers to be aware of the progress employees make each day and offer praise and gratitude for their hard work and accomplishments.

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